Make Deliberate Creation Work For You

Deliberate creation is the act of deciding what you want and getting it. It sounds easy, but may be unbelievable for some. It really is easier than what most people think. Most of us have grown up being told that anything worth getting we have to work hard for,...

Start Attracting Prosperity Today

Even by just attempting methods of attracting prosperity or abundance, you start wheels turning in both your head and then God (or the Universe )  helps to orchestrate good things happening in your life that allow more prosperity to flow your way. The first step in...

The Law of Abundance-Get What You Desire

The law of abundance is the belief that what you desire is available to you in unlimited amounts. Many people try to manifest the law of abundance by writing a check. Basically the goal is to learn how to visualize financial prosperity; when you write yourself a check...

Reprogram Your Mind to Attract Abundance

There are several tricks you can do to re-program your subconscious mind and prepare yourself for attracting abundance. Try carrying a $100 around with you and every time you see something you like that costs $100 or less, say to yourself “I could buy...